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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
07/19/23 Backsliding Preventives David McPherson Sermon Gspl Mtg: McPherson 7/23 Gospel Meeting 20230719PM.mp3
07/18/23 Arguments for Mechanical Music in Worship David McPherson Sermon Gspl Mtg: McPherson 7/23 Gospel Meeting 20230718PM.mp3
07/17/23 Does It Matter What I Did To Be Saved? David McPherson Sermon Gspl Mtg: McPherson 7/23 Gospel Meeting 20230717PM.mp3
07/16/23 Why I Pray David McPherson Sermon Gspl Mtg: McPherson 7/23 Sun PM 20230716PM.mp3
07/16/23 Why Assembling Should Be A Priority David McPherson Sermon Gspl Mtg: McPherson 7/23 Sun AM 20230716AM2.mp3
07/16/23 Too Easily Offended David McPherson Sermon Gspl Mtg: McPherson 7/23 Sun AM 20230716AM1.mp3
07/09/23 Asa: He Weakened Before the Finish Line David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230709PM.mp3
07/09/23 Why Has the Kingdom of Christ Survived 2,000 Years? Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230709AM.mp3
07/02/23 Oh, Magnify The Lord Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230702PM.mp3
07/02/23 The Holy Spirit's Work David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230702AM.mp3
06/25/23 Before They Close Your Casket Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230625AM.mp3
06/18/23 Who Are You In The Dark? Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230618PM.mp3
06/18/23 An Ideal Father David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230618AM.mp3
06/11/23 Ruth: A Virtuous Woman David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230611PM.mp3
06/11/23 Blessed Assurance Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230611AM.mp3
06/04/23 Identifying Sinful Attitudes Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230604PM.MP3
06/04/23 Memorial Day David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230604AM.MP3
05/28/23 Does God Care What I Wear? David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230528AM.MP3
05/21/23 Who is at the Controls of Your Life? Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230521PM.MP3
05/21/23 What Makes The Lord’s Church Different? David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230521AM.MP3
05/14/23 Who Is at the Controls of Your Life - Part 2 Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230514PM.mp3
05/14/23 Who Is at the Controls of Your Life - Part 1 Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230514AM.mp3
05/07/23 Because of You David McPherson Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230507PM.mp3
05/07/23 Now Therefore Give Me This Mountain... Steve Hardin Sermon N/A Sun AM 20230507AM.mp3
04/30/23 Things Jesus Did Lincoln McPherson Sermon N/A Sun PM 20230430PM.mp3

Displaying 176 - 200 of 1791

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