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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
09/19/14 Mercy for Manasseh? Jacob Holman Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Holman 09/14 Gospel Meeting 20140919PM.mp3
09/17/14 Walking the Narrow Way Jacob Holman Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Holman 09/14 Gospel Meeting 20140917PM.mp3
09/16/14 Rejoice in the Lord Always -Part2 Jacob Holman Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Holman 09/14 Gospel Meeting 20140916PM.mp3
09/15/14 Rejoice in the Lord Always -Part1 Jacob Holman Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Holman 09/14 Gospel Meeting 20140915PM.mp3
09/14/14 Heart Matters Jacob Holman Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Holman 09/14 Sun AM 20140914AM1.mp3
09/14/14 Dealing with Doubt Jacob Holman Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Holman 09/14 Sun AM 20140914AM2.mp3
09/14/14 Beloved or Bothersome Brethren? Jacob Holman Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Holman 09/14 Sun PM 20140914PM.mp3
09/07/14 Anticipation of Heaven David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun AM 20140907AM.mp3
09/07/14 Bible Classes David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun PM 20140907PM.mp3
08/31/14 Psalm 93: Praise him in the storm! Curtis Carwile Sermon N/A Sun AM 20140831AM.mp3
08/24/14 Appreciation for the cross of Christ David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun AM 20140824AM.mp3
08/24/14 Man needs hope for the future! David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun PM 20140824PM.mp3
08/17/14 What shall we do with God's Law? David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun PM 20140817PM.mp3
08/17/14 Meaning of the Cross of Christ David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun AM 20140817AM.mp3
08/10/14 Hell Philip Williams Sermon N/A Sun AM 20140810AM.mp3
08/10/14 Christians having Fun David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun PM 20140810PM.mp3
08/03/14 Parilyzed by fear David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun AM 20140803AM.mp3
07/27/14 The Truth shall make you free! David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun PM 20140720PM1.mp3
07/20/14 Amazing Grace David Lanius Sermon N/A Sun AM 20140720AM.mp3
07/20/14 Is giving part of worship? David Lanius Sermon N/A Gospel Meeting 20140720PM.mp3
07/18/14 The I AM's of Jesus Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Sallee 07/14 Gospel Meeting 20140718PM.mp3
07/17/14 What is my attitude toward the lost? Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Sallee 07/14 Gospel Meeting 20140717PM.mp3
07/16/14 Is my influence a stumbling block? Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Sallee 07/14 Gospel Meeting 20140716PM.mp3
07/15/14 Committed to the service of Christ Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Sallee 07/14 Gospel Meeting 20140715PM_Lowell_Sallee_Committed_to_the_service_of_Christ.mp3
07/14/14 Do you really love your children? Lowell Sallee Gospel Meeting Gspl Mtg: Sallee 07/14 Gospel Meeting 20140714PM_Lowell_Sallee_Do_you_really_love_your_children1.mp3

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